Thursday, December 17, 2009

Help to get businesses streamlined ... when & how YOU need it

How can you best steer your company through these hard economic times? Is there a way to not only survive but thrive? A way to position your company right now so that you not only make it through this economic climate, but come through on top? Outsourcing non-core functions is a good way to get the things you need for your business just when you need them.

Outsourcing your company’s improvement projects to a Certified Project Professional (CPP) provides you with the expertise you need now to streamline and position your company for the future.

You may be wondering, how does that work? How can a project professional help my business and what kind of results can I expect?

A CPP is certified Lean, and/or Six Sigma Black Belt or Project Manager that is trained in the type of business processes that help make companies like Toyota, GE, and Boeing as successful as they are today.

These individuals can objectively evaluate your business processes, identifying waste and the potential to do more with less. This is done through streamlining processes and removing bottlenecks that can cost time and money. And, as we all know, time is money.

Results from just this kind of project were highlighted in an article by Del Jones for USA today. Six Sigma consultants saved 20 area hospitals in New York millions of dollars using the same Toyota Production Model on which the Six Sigma process is based. Full Article at

So, on the one hand, a Certified Project Professional is a business consultant. But unlike most consultants who can deftly identify problems, a CPP goes two steps beyond that foundation. Instead of just identifying problems and untapped or unattained potential, a CPP will formulate a plan with you and will execute that plan from start to finish. Making sure that every aspect of the project runs smoothly and delivers the desired results. Basically, using a CPP, such as a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, on a contract or project basis, is simply outsourcing your businesses improvement to an expert.

Still not so sure about outsourcing and if it’s a fit for your business? A recent blog article by Gina Beckman, Lead Creative for 10 til 2, explores the question “Is Outsourcing the Answer?” and how outsourcing can help small to mid sized companies compete with large companies. Outsourcing allows smaller companies to utilize the non-core professionals they need only when they need them, instead of year round as a part of their permanent staff. It’s a clever and thrifty way to attain the same polished results as your larger competitors, but without their larger budgets. Full article at

To find out how you can staff a certified Six Sigma or Project Management professional to help elevate your business to the next level, contact our staffing partner, Gina Kopera, 10 til 2-Cincinnati, at or call 513.403.3197.

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