Saturday, February 14, 2009

How to present a Six Sigma Project to Management

During our February Cincinnti Six Sigma User Group, the group discussed "How to present a Six Sigma Project to Managment"... Here are the results/notes from the group break-out session and discussions.

How do you communicate status…update management of progress?

1) Develop Communication Plan…Stakeholders (who, what, when, how, why? [why are they doing the project?])
2) Agreed on milestones (target, dates, tollgates)…timeline
3) * Expenses (Cost Benefit)
4) Project review (how often)?
5) Project Sponsor…support (VP)
6) Key Stakeholders
7) Depends on Audience
8) Communicate “breakthroughs”
9) Shared documentation…Excel/PDF (MS Project)
10) Pre-Meeting for “hot points” with Sponsor/Stakeholders
11) Agenda ahead of time
12) If there’s issue...Be the first to inform with facts…recommend solutions/suggestions
13) Use the mole…get them involved
14) Work with subject matter experts (SME’s)
15) Work with SME’s First then work vertical

Next month’s topic, March 12th at 5:30 PM:
How do you calculate Benefit of project?

Questions/comments/RSVP to

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